
Spotting Signs of a Refrigerant Leak

When your air conditioner runs into operating problems around here, it is a major issue. We’re not just talking about being unable to live in the level of comfort that you deserve. We’re talking about potentially unsafe heat in your home. Whenever you suspect that there is a problem with your air conditioner, you need to dial our number to schedule professional air conditioning repairs in Dallas, TX immediately. One of the more serious issues that you may encounter with your air conditioner is a refrigerant leak.

If you fail to act in a timely manner when you do run into a refrigerant leak in your air conditioning system, the damages to your AC can be extensive. Today, we are going to discuss some of the warning signs that you may notice which can alert you to the presence of a refrigerant leak in your system. Stay on the lookout for such problems, and let us know when you have any concerns so that we can investigate matters and complete any necessary repairs promptly.

First Things First: What Does Refrigerant Do?

The refrigerant in your air conditioning system is integral to the overall cooling process. Remember that your air conditioner does not somehow generate “coolness” the way that a heater generates new heat by combusting fuel or using electric resistance. When you feel cool, comfortable air coming from your air conditioning vents, what you are feeling is actually the absence of heat. That is made possible by the heat transfer process which, in turn, is made possible by refrigerant.

Your air conditioner has an evaporator coil that is located within your house. When refrigerant evaporates in the coil—hey, we never said that it was a very creative name—it draws heat out of the air passing over that coil. The warmed refrigerant then travels outside to the compressor/condenser unit. As it is condensed, it sheds its heat before heading back in to repeat the process until target temperatures are met.

Signs That Refrigerant Is Low

If your air conditioner is low on refrigerant, there are really only two scenarios that could explain the issue. First of all, your system may not have been properly charged at the time of installation (not if you scheduled your installation with us, of course). The second possibility is a leak. This is a closed loop system, and the AC does not consume refrigerant, so low levels are never a sign of normal operation.

What does an AC that is low on refrigerant look and act like? You may notice that your system is running in longer and longer cycles, as it tries to cool your home effectively with a reduced refrigerant charge. The evaporator coil may get too cold, causing ice to develop. That ice may melt, leading to water surrounding the indoor unit. Short cycling may occur, as the system overheats and, eventually, the system may break down entirely if the compressor gives out. Do not let a low refrigerant level damage your AC.

CityLine Air Conditioning offers great repairs as well as comprehensive maintenance options to keep problems at bay.

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April 23, 2018 | Categories: Air Conditioning

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