
What To Check When Furnace Stops Working

A furnace is a heating system that is commonly used in households to provide warmth during colder months. It is an essential appliance that requires proper maintenance and attention to function efficiently. When a furnace stops working, it can cause discomfort and inconvenience for homeowners. In this article, we will discuss what to check when your furnace stops working.

To understand the causes of furnace failure, it is essential to know how a furnace works. A furnace uses a fuel source, typically natural gas, to generate heat. This heat is then distributed throughout the house through ducts and vents. The warm air is circulated back to the furnace, where it is reheated and redistributed.

There can be various reasons behind a furnace not functioning correctly. Some of the most common causes of furnace failure include:

  • lack of maintenance
  • dirty air filters
  • faulty thermostat
  • pilot light or ignition control problems
  • mechanical wear and tear

There are several signs that indicate a furnace is not working correctly. These signs include:

  • no heat or insufficient heat
  • strange noises coming from the furnace
  • constant cycling
  • increased energy bills

If your furnace stops working, there are a few things you can do before calling a professional for help. First, check the thermostat to ensure it is set correctly and has fresh batteries. Then, inspect the air filters and replace them if they are dirty. If the pilot light or ignition control is the issue, try relighting it or replacing the control module. You can also check for any mechanical issues, such as a clogged burner or a malfunctioning blower motor. However, if these steps do not resolve the problem, it is best to call a professional for help.

In conclusion, it is essential to properly maintain your furnace to avoid any sudden breakdowns. However, if your furnace does stop working, make sure to check the thermostat, air filters, pilot light or ignition control, and for any mechanical issues before calling a professional. This will help identify the problem and save you time and money on repairs.


How Does A Furnace Work?

A furnace operates by heating air and circulating it throughout a building using a system of ducts. Here are the steps involved in the functioning of a furnace:

  1. The thermostat detects that the temperature in the building is below the desired level.
  2. The thermostat sends a signal to start the furnace.
  3. The furnace ignites the fuel, which can be gas, oil, or electricity.
  4. The heat exchanger warms up as the fuel burns.
  5. A blower fan forces air over the heat exchanger, transferring heat to the air.
  6. The heated air is then distributed through the ductwork, raising the temperature in the building.
  7. The process continues until the desired temperature is reached, at which point the furnace shuts off.

Understanding how a furnace works is essential for troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

What Are The Common Causes Of Furnace Failure?

When your furnace stops working, it can be a major inconvenience and cause for concern. To understand why your furnace may have failed, it’s important to examine the common causes of furnace failure. These can include lack of maintenance, dirty air filters, faulty thermostat, pilot light or ignition control problems, and mechanical wear and tear. By identifying the root cause of the issue, you can take the necessary steps to get your furnace up and running again.

1. Lack Of Maintenance

Neglecting maintenance is a common cause of furnace failure. To prevent any issues, follow these steps:

  1. Schedule regular maintenance with a professional technician.
  2. Keep the furnace area clean and free from debris.
  3. Change air filters regularly, ideally every 3 months.
  4. Inspect and clean the blower motor, burners, and other components.
  5. Test the thermostat and calibrate if necessary.

Pro-tip: Regular maintenance not only extends the lifespan of your furnace but also improves its efficiency, saving you money on energy bills.

2. Dirty Air Filters

Dirty air filters can significantly impact the performance of a furnace. To address this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the furnace and locate the dirty air filter.
  2. Remove the filter and inspect it for dirt, dust, and debris.
  3. If the filter is found to be dirty or clogged, replace it with a new one.
  4. If the filter is reusable, clean it according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  5. Reinstall the filter and ensure it fits securely.

Regularly cleaning or replacing air filters can prevent airflow restrictions, improve indoor air quality, and extend the lifespan of the furnace. Remember to schedule routine filter maintenance to keep the furnace running efficiently.

3. Faulty Thermostat

A malfunctioning thermostat can lead to problems with your furnace’s performance. If you suspect an issue with your thermostat, follow these steps to troubleshoot it:

  1. Check the settings on your thermostat to ensure they are properly set for heating.
  2. Make sure the thermostat is receiving power. Check the circuit breaker or fuse box to ensure it has not tripped or blown a fuse.
  3. Remove the thermostat cover and inspect for any loose or corroded wires. Tighten any loose connections or clean any corrosion.
  4. Test the thermostat’s temperature sensor. Use a thermometer to compare the temperature reading on the thermostat to the actual room temperature. If they do not match, the sensor may need to be recalibrated or replaced.
  5. If none of these steps resolve the issue, consider contacting a professional HVAC technician to diagnose and repair the faulty thermostat.

4. Pilot Light Or Ignition Control Problems

When experiencing issues with your furnace’s pilot light or ignition control, there are several steps you can take to address the problem:

  1. Check the gas supply: Ensure that the gas supply to the furnace is turned on and that there are no obstructions or leaks.
  2. Inspect the pilot light: If the pilot light is not lit, try relighting it according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Clean the pilot assembly: Dust and debris can build up on the pilot assembly, hindering its proper functioning. Carefully clean the assembly using a soft brush or compressed air.
  4. Examine the ignition control: If the pilot light is lit but the furnace still does not ignite, the ignition control module may be faulty. Consider calling a professional to diagnose and repair the issue.
  5. Ensure proper ventilation: Adequate airflow is crucial for the furnace to function correctly. Make sure that the vents and air intake are not blocked.

5. Mechanical Wear And Tear

Mechanical wear and tear is a common cause of furnace failure. As time passes, the components of a furnace can become worn out, resulting in decreased performance and potential breakdown. Examples of mechanical wear and tear include worn-out bearings, faulty belts, and damaged fan blades. Consistent maintenance and inspections can help identify and address these issues before they escalate into major problems.

If you notice strange noises, reduced efficiency, or frequent breakdowns from your furnace, it could be a sign of mechanical wear and tear. In such cases, it is crucial to contact a professional HVAC technician to diagnose and resolve the issue.

What Are The Signs That A Furnace Is Not Working?

When the cold weather hits, a functioning furnace is crucial for keeping your home warm and comfortable. But what happens when your furnace suddenly stops working? In this section, we will discuss the signs that indicate your furnace is not working properly. From a lack of heat to strange noises and increased energy bills, we will cover the important warning signs to look out for when it comes to your furnace. So, let’s dive into the details and find out what could be causing your furnace to malfunction.

1. No Heat Or Insufficient Heat

If your furnace is not producing enough heat or no heat at all, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Check the thermostat settings to ensure it is set to heat mode and at the desired temperature.
  2. Inspect the air filters and clean or replace them if they are dirty or clogged.
  3. Verify that the pilot light or ignition control is functioning properly. Relight the pilot light if necessary.
  4. Look for any mechanical issues such as a malfunctioning blower motor or faulty wiring.
  5. If you are unable to resolve the issue, it is recommended to call a professional HVAC technician for assistance.

Throughout history, furnaces have evolved from simple fireplaces to complex heating systems fueled by gas, oil, or electricity. The development of modern furnaces in the nineteenth century revolutionized home heating, providing more efficient and reliable heat sources.

2. Strange Noises

Strange noises coming from a furnace can indicate underlying issues that require attention. Here are steps to investigate and address these noises:

  1. Identify the noise: Determine the type of sound, such as banging, whistling, or rattling.
  2. Check for loose components: Inspect the furnace for any loose panels, screws, or parts that may be causing vibrations.
  3. Clean the blower motor: Dust and debris can accumulate on the blower motor, causing it to produce unusual sounds. Clean it carefully.
  4. Replace worn-out parts: If the 2. Strange Noises persist, worn-out components like the blower belt or bearings might need replacement.
  5. Call a professional: If you’re unsure or unable to resolve the issue, it’s best to contact a qualified technician for further diagnosis and repair.

3. Constant Cycling

Constant cycling in a furnace can be a sign of underlying issues that require attention. Here are some steps to troubleshoot the issue of constant cycling:

  1. First, check the thermostat settings to ensure they are programmed correctly.
  2. Next, clean or replace the air filters to ensure proper airflow.
  3. Inspect the fan limit switch and make any necessary adjustments.
  4. Also, check the heat anticipator setting on the thermostat and adjust it if needed.
  5. If the problem persists, it is best to call a professional HVAC technician for a thorough inspection and repair.

Pro-tip: Regular maintenance, including cleaning and inspecting the furnace, can help prevent constant cycling and prolong its lifespan.

4. Increased Energy Bills

When a furnace starts causing increased energy bills, it is often a sign of an underlying issue. There are several potential factors that could contribute to this problem, such as inefficient heating, air leaks in the ducts or system, a malfunctioning thermostat, or clogged air filters. To address this, it is recommended to:

  1. Check if the thermostat is set properly and functioning correctly.
  2. Regularly inspect and clean or replace the air filters.
  3. Ensure there are no air leaks in the ductwork or system.
  4. Schedule regular maintenance to optimize the furnace’s efficiency.
  5. If the issue persists, it is best to consult a professional HVAC technician to diagnose and resolve the problem efficiently and effectively.

What To Do When A Furnace Stops Working?

When your furnace suddenly stops working, it can cause a lot of stress and discomfort in your home. But before you panic and call a repairman, there are a few things you can check on your own to potentially solve the issue. In this section, we will discuss the steps you can take when your furnace stops working. From checking the thermostat to examining potential mechanical issues, we’ll cover all the important factors to consider. So, let’s dive in and troubleshoot the problem together!

1. Check The Thermostat

When your furnace stops working, the first step is to check the thermostat. Follow these steps:

  1. Verify that the thermostat is set to “heat” mode and the temperature is set higher than the current room temperature.
  2. If your thermostat runs on batteries, examine and replace them if necessary.
  3. Inspect the display of the thermostat for any error codes or warning messages.
  4. Ensure that the thermostat is properly connected to your heating system.
  5. Clean the thermostat and remove any dust or debris that may be affecting its functionality.

2. Inspect The Air Filters

When a furnace stops working, one of the first things to check is the air filters. Here are the steps to inspect the air filters:

  1. Turn off the furnace for safety.
  2. Locate the air filter panel, usually near the blower motor.
  3. Remove the panel and take out the air filter.
  4. Inspect the filter for dirt, dust, or debris accumulation.
  5. If the filter is dirty, replace it with a new one.
  6. If the filter is reusable, clean it according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  7. Reinstall the clean or new filter and securely close the panel.
  8. Turn on the furnace and check if it improves airflow and heating efficiency.

Regularly inspecting and replacing air filters can prevent furnace problems and maintain indoor air quality.

3. Check The Pilot Light Or Ignition Control

To check the pilot light or ignition control on a furnace, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the furnace is powered off and the gas supply is turned off.
  2. Locate the pilot light or ignition control panel, which is usually near the burner assembly.
  3. Inspect the pilot light or ignition control for any signs of damage, such as a broken igniter or a dirty flame sensor.
  4. Clean the pilot light or ignition control if necessary, using a soft brush or compressed air to remove any debris or buildup.
  5. Turn on the gas supply and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to relight the pilot light or restart the ignition control.

If the pilot light or ignition control continues to malfunction, it may be best to call a professional technician for further assistance.

Remember to always prioritize safety when working with a furnace and consult the manufacturer’s manual for specific instructions.

4. Look For Mechanical Issues

When a furnace stops working, it is important to check for mechanical issues to identify the problem. Here are the steps you can take to inspect for any potential mechanical issues:

  1. Inspect the blower motor: Check if the blower motor is functioning smoothly and not making any unusual noises.
  2. Examine the fan belt: Ensure that the fan belt is properly aligned and has the correct tension. If necessary, replace the belt.
  3. Check the bearings: Listen for any grinding or squeaking noises coming from the motor bearings. If there are any issues, lubricate or replace the bearings.
  4. Inspect the heat exchanger: Look for any cracks or signs of damage on the heat exchanger. If there are any issues, it may require professional repair or replacement.
  5. Check the electrical connections: Make sure all electrical connections to the furnace are secure and not loose or damaged.

By following these steps, you can identify and address any mechanical issues with your furnace.

5. Call A Professional For Help

If your furnace stops working and you have tried troubleshooting steps without success, it is time to call a professional for assistance. Here is a list of steps to follow when seeking professional help:

  1. Research and find reputable HVAC companies or technicians in your area.
  2. Contact the selected professional and provide them with detailed information about the issue.
  3. Discuss availability, scheduling, and any additional fees for emergency or after-hours service.
  4. Prepare the necessary information, such as the make and model of your furnace, for the technician.
  5. Be prepared to answer questions about the symptoms and any troubleshooting steps you have already taken.

Remember, calling a professional ensures that your furnace receives the expertise it needs to be properly repaired and to prevent further damage.

Fun fact: Regular maintenance by professionals can prolong the lifespan of your furnace and improve its efficiency, reducing energy consumption.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common issues that can cause a furnace to stop working?

Some common issues that can cause a furnace to stop working include a tripped circuit breaker, a broken furnace, a thermostat malfunction, or a problem with the gas valve.

How can I troubleshoot my gas furnace if it is not providing enough heat?

If your gas furnace is not providing enough heat, you can try raising the temperature on the thermostat and waiting a few minutes to see if it improves. If the heat still does not come on, check the circuit breaker and power to the furnace. If necessary, call a heating expert for further assistance.

What should I do if my furnace is turning off and on?

If your furnace is turning off and on, you can try adjusting the heat anticipator on the thermostat. This controls how often the furnace cycles on and off. If the issue persists, it is best to call a furnace repair expert to diagnose and fix the problem properly.

How can I prevent issues with my furnace’s heating and cooling system?

Making sure to regularly change the filter and performing maintenance work, as outlined in the owner’s manual, can help prevent issues with your furnace’s heating and cooling system. This includes keeping the furnace’s air vents and heating ducts clear of dust build up and ensuring they are securely fastened.

What should I do if my furnace is making funny noises?

Some noises from a furnace may be normal, but others may require closer attention. If you hear unusual or loud noises, it could be a sign of a more serious issue and should be checked by a heating expert. Ignoring these noises could lead to a complete breakdown of your furnace.

When is it necessary to call for a professional furnace repair?

If DIY repairs do not solve the issue, it is best to call a professional for safe and effective furnace repair. Additionally, any issues with the gas furnace, such as a gas valve problem, should always be handled by a licensed heating expert to ensure proper and secure repairs.

November 26, 2023 | Categories: Heating

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